Hello fellow Knights, Archers, and Peasants (and now Monks!),
On Tuesday August 10th we released the first of our content updates, House Galencourt, which brought new maps (Galencourt and Courtyard), Arena Mode, many new Cosmetics, an Arrow Cam, and much more to a siege near you. While we’re very excited about giving you guys new content, this update did introduce a few new issues to the game that we are actively tackling.
Note: Our public roadmap is up-to-date, and now includes hotfix 2.1.1. details, plus content updates 2.2 and 2.3 teases: https://trello.com/b/7HnXYjSb/chivalry-2-roadmap-preview
Current Priorities
We have several top priorities, and even if something is not listed here it doesn’t mean we haven’t read it and passed it forward for the team to review.
A few of the issues we’re looking to address as soon as possible via hotfix patching:
- PC Players sometimes do not receive party invites. Current workaround: The player not receiving the invite should try rebooting
- Console players are experiencing increased crashes on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 when playing the new maps.
- Players see themselves in default armour when playing online matches (offline matches are unaffected). Selecting/customizing the One Handed Spear in the customization menu is one known cause of the bug. We are investigating if there are other instances that cause it as well.
Workaround for PC players:
Navigate in file explorer to:
%LocalAppData%\Chivalry 2\Saved\Cloud
(You may need to reveal hidden files and folders)
And delete this folder
Note: Deleting this file will reset your customization and you will have to re customize again
- There are instances where players are being disconnected from some servers after a server crash.
- Players are sometimes placed into low population servers despite multiple servers being available. We have adjusted the algorithm for the new maps playlist as it was especially noticeable in that queue.
- When using a controller, initiating an attack and being unable to switch immediately to parry/block is also something that came up recently that we’re looking at. We can confirm this is not an intentional design change and is a bug.
- Servers are sometimes placing people in regions with high ping. Potential workaround: Wait 10 seconds before matchmaking, as it can take up to 10 seconds for each region to be pinged to get accurate estimates. Better solutions for this are being reviewed.
Thanks to all of our players who have been sending helpful info across our social media so we can tackle these issues as efficiently as possible.
We are now in a position to more rapidly deploy patches and hotfixes in response to these and other top issues from the community, but we also have to be careful not to introduce new issues as we do so.
Other News:
Server Browser:
The PC server browser has changed locations, and can now be found by hitting ”Play”, navigating to “More” and then selecting the Server Browser from there.
In addition, it is worth noting that Matchmaking and Server Browsers use different sets of servers, so what you may see regarding population is not an accurate representation of actual player numbers. We’re happy to report a very healthy player count as we continue to work on the game.
Server Connection Experience
We have reviewed some players reporting server lag that we are investigating and getting further profiles on. Part of this is likely to be propagated by players being placed in high ping servers due to an issue mentioned further up above as well.
For more information about additional post-launch features, fixes and content, see our roadmap on Trello.