Good morrow, knights! We’re currently on a hiatus from posting Chivalry 2 shares until 2020 but we wanted to recap of all of the gifs, screenshots, voice lines, and more that we’ve shared across our various social media websites.
We’ll see you again in 2020! The last part of this year is focused purely on development, but expect to hear and see much more about Chivalry 2 in early 2020.
Looking for more? Read Volume 1 here
Shared Wednesdays.
Shared Fridays.
Voice Lines
Shared Tuesdays.
Developer Q&A’s
On December 5 from 2-2:45pm ET you can join us for the last developer question and answer sessions of 2020 in our official Discord server.
You can find a list of answered questions from our most recent sessions at the links below:
Here are a few highlights from the links above:
Question: You’ve talked a lot about movie and pop culture influences for Chivalry 2. Is there any specific scenes that play a major role for the game
Answer: With each Chiv 2 map the starting point for design is “what core experience do we want players to have here” and more often than not, the inspiration for that experience is a specific movie scene. e.g. the rainy field map shown in trailer – a mix of Braveheart’s battle charge, GoT’s Battle of the Bastards and Chiv 1 Moor. Other big inspirations (scenes or just concepts generally): LoTR Helm’s Deep, GoT tournament, GoT King’s Landing, Ironclad’s castle defense… and other inspirations you’ll have to see for yourselves.
Q: That new GIF looks very nice, the armor doesn’t look like it’s stretching or distorting. Were specific bones added to just the armor plates for animating?
A: Yes we added bones for better animation result for stuff like heavy armor.
Q: Has TB tested 32 v 32 already during development?
A: We have playtested with 64 players, people from Torn Banner and from Tripwire. This went really great, we are happy to see that we managed to nail the experience for such a great number of players!
To stay up to date with everything we’re saying, read our FAQ or visit the blog for more information about our upcoming game.
Discord: https://discord.gg/chivalry2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chivalrygame
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Chivalry2/
Forums: https://forums.tornbanner.com/