Welcome to the first Chivalry 2 Video Contest!
This contest has two categories:
-Best Combat Montage or Fight Clip (30 seconds – 2 minutes)
-Best Funny Clip/Clips (30 seconds – 1 minute)
Videos should be submitted no later than the 30th of April at 11:59 pm EST.
Videos should be submitted to Youtube with a link emailed to us at [email protected]
Finalists will be selected by us by the 5th of May, after which polls will be posted across our social media platforms to determine the winners.
-One submission per person
-Combat video submission must be no shorter than 30 seconds and no longer than 2 minutes
-Funny Clip/Clips video submission must be no shorter than 30 seconds and no longer than 1 minute
-Video must feature content from only Chivalry 2 (No video/audio from other games)
-Video must not contain any other inappropriate or offensive content (This does not include in-game VO swears, in-game gore, etc)
-Video can feature other music and your own voice/commentary
The winners of each category will receive one special edition copy of the game.
In addition, 1000 crowns will be awarded as a bonus prize to the video from each category with the most views! Winners aren’t eligible for this prize and every other submission from each category is eligible (provided they meet the requirements above).
What if I already own the special edition of the game?
If the winner already owns the special edition of the game, they will instead be awarded 4000 crowns for use in game.
Where do I send the video?
The video should be uploaded to youtube on your own channel (publically). You can then link us to the video at [email protected] with the title as:
-Chivalry 2 Combat Submission – [YourUsername]
-Chivalry 2 Funny Clip Submission – [YourUsername]